

I like to live by something I grew up hearing my parents use, quite often with me might I add, known as, “The 6 Ps”.

Proper. Planning. Prevents. Piss. Poor. Performance.

ahh the wonderful saying of them all. What it says is exactly what it means. If you plan ahead, you leave little room for mistakes. Easy enough right but hard to grasp for quite a few of us.

It took me years to get this through my “thick skull”.

It takes little to no time to sit down on a Sunday and plan out the upcoming weeks. Doing this gives you more time and pays off in the end.


 There is no going around it. You cannot run away or ever plan enough for “Life” but you can be as prepared as possible.

Murphy’s Law states, “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong”.

So don’t think this post is to help you prepare for everything that is coming your way because if that’s what you’re looking for you are SOL. This post does however inform you to take a little time to plan for the events NOT STRESS about them.

It’ll save you time in the long run, ease the anxiety that comes with procrastination, and most of all cause little to no room for mistakes to happen on your part.

Keep the 6 Ps in your back pocket.




Author: mysoulfull

I'm a woman just living in the book called "life". Taking my daily experiences, heartbreaks, and lessons all the while turning them into something you can relate to. I am a true believer of creating your own peace; something that CANNOT be destroyed.

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